This demonstrates how to get a random function.
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DOCUMENT(); loadMacros('', '', '');
These standard macros need to be loaded.# Define some random values and functions $a = non_zero_random(-8, 8); $b = random(1, 8); $n = random(2, 4); @funs = ( "1 + $a*x + $b x^2", "$a / (1 + $b x)", "$a x^3 + $b", "($a - x) / ($b + x^2)", "cos($n*x)" ); # This select one of the functions at random. $f = Formula($funs[ random(0, $#funs) ])->reduce;
First, there are some random numbers generated as well as an array of functions using those values. The statement random(0,$#funs)
generates a random number between 0 and (in this case 4, but in general 1 less than the length of the array) and then that element of the array is selected.
BEGIN_PGML Enter [``[$f]``] [____]{$f} END_PGML
This is the problem statement in PGML.BEGIN_PGML_SOLUTION Solution explanation goes here. END_PGML_SOLUTION ENDDOCUMENT();
A solution should be provided here.