Inserting images in PGML.
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DOCUMENT(); loadMacros( '', '', '', '', '', '', '' );
We include
to create images to be shown.
$WWPlot = init_graph(-1, -1, 4, 4); add_functions($WWPlot, "x^2/4 for x in <-1,4> using color:blue and weight:2"); $TikZ = createTikZImage(); $TikZ->BEGIN_TIKZ \draw (0,0) circle[radius=1.5]; END_TIKZ $LaTeXImage = createLaTeXImage(); $LaTeXImage->texPackages([ [ 'xy', 'all' ] ]); $LaTeXImage->BEGIN_LATEX_IMAGE \xymatrix{ A \ar[r] & B \ar[d] \\\\ D \ar[u] & C \ar[l] } END_LATEX_IMAGE $gt = GraphTool("{circle, solid, (1, 1), (2, 2)}");
A WWPlot (from
), a TikZ plot, LaTeXImage, and Graphtool is made.
BEGIN_PGML * A static image: [!Graph of an exponential!]{'image.png'}{120} * A static image from an external link (note: this does not work for hardcopy) [!Runestone Logo!]{""}{120} * A WWplot graph [!A simple parabola plot!]{$WWPlot}{120} * A TikZ graph [!A circle!]{$TikZ}{120} * A LaTeXImage: [!A graph with node A going to node B going to node C, going to node D, and back to node A!]{$LaTeXImage}{120} * A graphtool plot [!A graphtool plot with a circle!]{$gt}{120} END_PGML ENDDOCUMENT();
In each of these cases, we use the PGML syntax
[!alt text!]{image}{width (optional)}{height (optional)}
The image can be a string (either a local image file or a URL), a WWPlot, TikZ plot, LaTeXImage, or graphtool plot. The local file should be in the same directory as the problem.
You should always include some alternate text for accessibility.
If the width
is not included, the width is 100 (in pixels)
If the height
is not included, it takes on the natural value (not to stretch the image)
The tex_size
will be computed by width * 1000/600