HTML Links

This shows how to make an html link in a PG problem.

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PG problem file


    '',            '',
    '', ''


An example below uses units, so we load

$ans = NumberWithUnits('4', 'ft');


This perl code sets up the problem.
The answer to all questions is on
[@ htmlLink( "", "this page" ) @]*

A link to a
[@ htmlLink( alias('local.html'), "local problem", "TARGET='_blank'" ) @]*

Click [@htmlLink("${htmlURL}phaseplaneplotters/index.html",
  "sketch the graph.", "TARGET='plotter'" )@]* to use xFunctions for

Enter 4 feet: [__]{$ans}

Don't forget to enter [@ helpLink("units") @]*



We need no additions to the PG file except in the text section, where we use the htmlLink function to insert the link. There are four examples here in all, the page to load is given as the first argument to htmlLink, and the text to display as the link as the second argument.

  1. This is a link to a general URL.

  2. The second example shows how to link to a page that is in the same directory on the WeBWorK server as the PG file: the alias function puts in the correct link for this file. Setting the target to be _blank will open a new (blank) window or tab.

  3. The third example shows how to link to a page that is under the html subdirectory of a course’s main directory. In this example, which is taken from the problem Library/Rochester/setDiffEQ6AutonomousStability/, phaseplaneplotters is a subdirectory that has been added under the course’s html directory. The course’s html directory can be linked using ${htmlURL} as in the example given or by using alias("${htmlDirectory}phaseplaneplotters/index.html").

  4. The fourth example uses the built-in helpLink feature of WeBWorK. The following is a list of all help topics: angle, decimal, equation, exponent formula, fraction, inequality, limit, log, matrix, number, point, vector, interval, unit, syntax.