Creating a set of graphs and displaying the options in a table.
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DOCUMENT(); loadMacros( '', '', '', '', '', '', '' );
We use
to generate the graph,
for the popup (select),
for layout and
for the shuffle
and invert
# The form of the functions for the tikz plotting. @eqn_plot = ('-exp(\x)', 'exp(-\x)', '-exp(-\x)', 'exp(\x)'); # The tex form of the functions. @eqn = ( "\( y = -e^{x} \)", "\( y = e^{-x} \)", "\( y = -e^{-x} \)", "\( y = e^{x} \)" ); # Alternate text for each image. @alt_text = ( 'A graph starting near the negative x-axis on the left, decreasing to the lower left in a concave down manner', 'A graph in the upper left and decreasing to the x-axis in a concave up manner', 'A graph in the lower left and increasing to the x-axis in a concave down manner', 'A graph starting near the negative x-axis on the left, increasing to the upper right in a concave up manner', ); for $i (0 .. 3) { $graph[$i] = createTikZImage(); $graph[$i]->tikzLibraries('arrows.meta'); $graph[$i]->BEGIN_TIKZ \tikzset{>={Stealth[scale=1.5]}} \filldraw[ draw=LightBlue, fill=white, rounded corners=10pt, thick,use as bounding box ] (-3.5,-3.5) rectangle (3.5,3.5); \draw[->] (-3.5,0) -- (3.5,0) node[above left,outer sep=3pt] {\(x\)}; \draw[->] (0,-3.5) -- (0,3.5) node[below right,outer sep=3pt] {\(y\)}; \draw[DarkBlue,very thick] plot [samples=150,domain=-3:3] (\x,{$eqn_plot[$i]}); END_TIKZ $fig[$i] = image( $graph[$i], width => 200, tex_size => 450, extra_html_tags => "alt='$alt_text[$i]'" ); } $k = random(0, 3); @perm = shuffle(4); @fig = @fig[@perm]; @inv = invert(@perm); @letter = ("A", "B", "C", "D"); $popup = PopUp([ "?", "A", "B", "C", "D" ], $letter[ $inv[$k] ]); $tab = LayoutTable( [ [ 'A', 'B' ], [ $fig[0], $fig[1] ], [ 'C', 'D' ], [ $fig[2], $fig[3] ], ], texalignment => 'cc' );
Pick one equation and graph at random (using $k
) to be the correct choice. Shuffle the graphs using a permutation, and use the inverse permutation to recall the correct answer in the answer evaluation section.
For accessibility, there are alt_text
statements describing each graph. Because the graphs are shuffled and the correct one picked randomly, the alt_text
must be in an array in the same order as the functions.
If, instead, we had six graphs and desired a three-column array of graphs, we would want to change tex_size=>310
as in the following bit of code.
for $i (0..5) {
# create the plots
$fig[$i]=image($graph[$i], width => 200, tex_size => 310);
You are strongly discouraged from using more than three columns in an array of graphs because otherwise you have to scale the graphs down so much that they become unreadable (especially in TeX mode).
The LayoutTable
is part of and is useful for laying out elements.
Toward the bottom the line [$tab]*
inserts the table. Since the result is HTML, the *
at the end formats the result correctly.
BEGIN_PGML Consider the exponential equation [$eqn[$k]]. Without using a calculator, sketch a graph of this equation on paper. Which graph A-D below most closely matches the graph you drew? [___]{$popup} [$tab]* (Click on a graph to enlarge it.) END_PGML
This is the problem statement in PGML.BEGIN_PGML_SOLUTION Solution explanation goes here. END_PGML_SOLUTION ENDDOCUMENT();
A solution should be provided here.