This shows how to check "arbitrary" conditions on the student's answer.
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DOCUMENT(); loadMacros('', '', '');
These standard macros need to be loaded.Context()->variables->add(y => "Real"); $a = random(2, 4, 1); $f = Formula("x*y^2"); $fx = $f->D('x'); $fxa = $fx->substitute(x => "$a"); $fy = $f->D('y'); $fyx = $fy->D('x')->reduce;
The Numeric
context automatically defines x
to be a variable, so we add the variable y
to the context. Then, we use the partial differentiation operator D('var_name')
to take a partial derivative with respect to that variable. We can use the evaluate feature as expected.
BEGIN_PGML Suppose [` f(x) = [$f] `]. Then a. [`` \frac{\partial f}{\partial x} ``] = [____]{$fx} b. [`f_x ([$a],y)= `] [____]{$fxa} c. [` f_y(x,y)=`] [____]{$fy} d. [`f_{yx} (x,y)= `] [___]{$fyx} END_PGML
This is the problem statement in PGML.BEGIN_PGML_SOLUTION Solution explanation goes here. END_PGML_SOLUTION ENDDOCUMENT();
A solution should be provided here.