Proving trig identities
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Context()->variables->are(t => 'Real'); # Redefine sin(x) to be e^(pi x). Context()->functions->remove('sin'); package NewFunc; # The next line makes the function a function from reals to reals. our @ISA = qw(Parser::Function::numeric); sub sin { shift; my $x = shift; return CORE::exp($x * 3.1415926535); } package main; # Make it work on formulas as well as numbers # sub cos { Parser::Function->call('cos', @_) } # if uncommented, this line will generate error messages # Add the new functions to the Context. Context()->functions->add(sin => { class => 'NewFunc', TeX => '\sin' },);
We cleverly redefine the sine function so that when the student enters sin(t)
, it is interpreted and evaluated internally as exp(pi*t)
but displayed to the student as sin(t)
. This prevents the entering of the orginally expression as the answer. An alternative method to doing this is in Trigonometric Identities.
BEGIN_PGML This problem has three parts. A part may be open if it is correct or if it is the first incorrect part. Clicking on the heading for a part toggles whether it is displayed. In this multi-part problem, we will use algebra to verify the identity >>[`\displaystyle \frac{\sin(t)}{1 - \cos(t)} = \frac{1 + \cos(t)}{\sin(t)}.`]<< END_PGML Scaffold::Begin(is_open => 'correct_or_first_incorrect'); Section::Begin('Part 1'); BEGIN_PGML First, using algebra we may rewrite the equation above as [`\displaystyle \sin(t) = \left( \frac{1 + \cos(t)}{\sin(t)} \right) \cdot \Big(`] [_]{'1 - cos(t)'}{15} [` \Big) `]. END_PGML Section::End(); Section::Begin('Part 2'); BEGIN_PGML Using algebra we may rewrite the equation as [`\sin(t) \cdot \big(`] [_]{'sin(t)'}{15} [`\big) = \big(1 + \cos(t)\big) \cdot \big(1 - \cos(t)\big)`]. END_PGML Section::End(); Section::Begin('Part 3'); BEGIN_PGML Finally, using algebra we may rewrite the equation as [`\sin^2(t) =`] [_]{'1-(cos(t))^2'}{15}, which is true since [`\cos^2(t) + \sin^2(t) = 1`]. Thus, the original identity can be derived by reversing these steps. END_PGML Section::End(); Scaffold::End(); COMMENT( 'This is a multi-part problem in which the next part is revealed only after the previous part is correct. Prevents students from entering trivial identities (entering what they were given). Uses PGML.' ); ENDDOCUMENT();
This is the problem statement in PGML.