Parametric equations: parametric curve in space
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Since it is a vector parametric curve, we will want vector utilities from
. Since we will need to check multiple answer blanks that depend upon each other, we use
Context('Vector2D'); #Context('Vector'); # for 3D vectors Context()->variables->are(t => 'Real'); Context()->variables->set(t => { limits => [ 0, 5 ] }); Context()->flags->set(ijk => 0); $a = random(2, 5); $Q = Point($a, $a**2); $multians = MultiAnswer(Vector("<t,t**2>"), 0, $a)->with( singleResult => 1, checker => sub { my ($correct, $student, $self) = @_; # get the parameters my ($f, $x1, $x2) = @{$student}; # extract student answers if ((($f . i)**2 == ($f . j)) && ($f->eval(t => $x1) == Vector("<0,0>")) && ($f->eval(t => $x2) == Vector("<$a,$a**2>"))) { return 1; } elsif ((($f . i)**2 == ($f . j)) && ($f->eval(t => $x1) == Vector("<0,0>"))) { $self->setMessage(3, 'Your right endpoint is not correct.'); return 0; } elsif ((($f . i)**2 == ($f . j)) && ($f->eval(t => $x2) == Vector("<$a,$a**2>"))) { $self->setMessage(2, 'Your left endpoint is not correct.'); return 0; } elsif ((($f . i)**2 == ($f . j))) { $self->setMessage(2, 'Your left endpoint is not correct.'); $self->setMessage(3, 'Your right endpoint is not correct.'); return 0; } else { return 0; } } );
The student’s vector-valued function is stored in $f
. To get the x- and y-components of the students answer we dot it with the standard basis vectors using $f . i
and $f . j
. Note: If you want to differentiate the component functions in the student’s answer, you’ll need to use a different method as ($f . i)->D('t')
will generate errors since the dot product does not get evaluated. Another problem given in this section describes how to extract formulas from the components of the student’s answer, which can then be differentiated. Notice that we have given the students helpful feedback messages about which endpoints are incorrect.
BEGIN_PGML Find a vector parametric equation for the parabola [`y = x^2`] from the origin to the point [`[$Q]`] using [`t`] as a parameter. [`\vec{r}(t) =`] [_]{$multians}{10} for [___]{$multians} [`\leq t \leq`] [___]{$multians}. END_PGML
This is the problem statement in PGML.BEGIN_PGML_SOLUTION Solution explanation goes here. END_PGML_SOLUTION ENDDOCUMENT();
A solution should be provided here.