Parametric equations: parametric curve in space
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DOCUMENT(); loadMacros('', '', '', '');
Although not necessary for the code below, we load
because you may want to use some of its methods when you use this template file.
Context('Vector2D'); Context()->variables->are(t => 'Real'); Context()->variables->set(t => { limits => [ 0, 5 ] }); Context()->flags->set(ijk => 0, ijkAnyDimension => 1); $ans = Vector("<2t,(2t)^2>")->cmp( checker => sub { my ($correct, $student, $ansHash) = @_; my $xstu = $student . Vector(1, 0); my $ystu = $student . Vector(0, 1); return (($xstu->D('t') == Formula('2')) && ($ystu->D('t') == Formula('8t'))) ? 1 : 0; } );
We choose not to display the answer using ijk notation. Also, use ijkAnyDimension => 1
to require a dimension match between i,j,k vectors and either the student or the correct answer when doing vector operations.
The custom answer checker is used to check if the derivative matching the questioned asked. Use dot products of the student answer with the vectors Vector(1,0)
and Vector(0,1)
to get the components $xstu
and $ystu
of the student answer. Then, we can differentiate the components just like any MathObject
BEGIN_PGML Find a vector parametric function [`\vec{r}(t)`] for a bug that moves along the parabola [`y = x^2`] with velocity [`\vec{v}(t) = \langle 2, 8t \rangle`] for all [`t`]. [`\vec{r}(t) =`] [_]{$ans}{15} END_PGML
This is the problem statement in PGML.BEGIN_PGML_SOLUTION Solution explanation goes here. END_PGML_SOLUTION ENDDOCUMENT();
A solution should be provided here.