Matching Problem (Alternate)

Matching question template

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    '', '', '', '',


The macro is used to create drop down menus for answers, and the custom problem grader fluid from is used for incremental grading.

$showPartialCorrectAnswers = 0;

# Incremental grader
$ENV{grader_numright} = [ 2,   4,   6 ];
$ENV{grader_scores}   = [ 0.3, 0.6, 1 ];
$ENV{grader_message} =
    'You can earn '
    . '30% partial credit for 2 - 3 correct answers, and '
    . '60% partial credit for 4 - 5 correct answers.';

# All or nothing grader
# install_problem_grader(~~&std_problem_grader);

# Create a list of questions and answers.
@q_and_a = (
    [ 'Question a?', 'Answer a' ],
    [ 'Question b?', 'Answer b' ],
    [ 'Question c?', 'Answer c' ],
    [ 'Question d?', 'Answer d' ],
    [ 'Question e?', 'Answer e' ],
    [ 'Question f?', 'Answer f' ],

# Add extra incorrect answers
@extra_a = ('Extra answer 1', 'Extra answer 2');

# Randomize the questions.
@q_and_a = map { splice(@q_and_a, random(0, $#q_and_a)) } 0 .. $#q_and_a;

# Choose a random order to display the answers (including the incorrect answers).
push(@answers, (map { $_->[1] } @q_and_a), @extra_a);
@indices = (0 .. $#answers);
@shuffle = map { splice(@indices, random(0, $#indices), 1) } 0 .. $#indices;

# Create an inverse map back to the original indices.
@inversion[@shuffle] = (0 .. $#shuffle);

# Add an answer that is always last.  It is also incorrect in this case.
push(@answers, 'None of the above');
push(@shuffle, scalar(@shuffle));

@answer_dropdowns =
    map { DropDown([ @ALPHABET[ 0 .. $#answers ] ], $inversion[$_]) }
    0 .. $#q_and_a;


Withhold feedback when answers are submitted by setting $showPartialCorrectAnswers = 0;.

This problem uses an incremental grader called the custom_problem_grader_fluid. With this problem grader, the number of correct answers [2, 4, 6] and their corresponding scores [0.3, 0.6, 1] must be specified. The last entry in the grader_numright array must be the total number of questions asked, and the last entry in the grader_scores array must be 1 (otherwise nobody can earn full credit!). The grader message can also be customized by setting the value of grader_message to the desired custom message.

If a grader is desired that awards full credit when all questions are correct and no credit otherwise, use the commented out std_problem_grader code instead.

The default avg_problem_grader could also be used by not using a custom problem grader at all to give credit for the parts that are correct. The percent score will be 100 * (number correct) / (number of questions) with the default grader.

Create a list of 6 questions and answers, 2 extra answers, and a ‘None of the above’ answer that will be force to be last.

.two-column {
    display: flex;
    flex-wrap: wrap;
    gap: 2rem;
    align-items: center;
    justify-content: space-evenly;

Match each question with its answer.

[@ MODES(TeX => '\\parbox{0.4\\linewidth}{',
    HTML => '<div class="two-column"><div>') @]*
[@ join(
    map {
        '[_]{$answer_dropdowns[' . $_ . ']} '
            . '*' . ($_ + 1) . '.* '
            . '[$q_and_a[' . $_ . '][0]]'
    } 0 .. $#q_and_a
) @]**
[@ MODES(TeX => '}\\hfill\\parbox{0.4\\linewidth}{',
    HTML => '</div><div>') @]*
[@ join(
    map {
        '*' . $ALPHABET[($_)] . '.* [$answers[$shuffle[' . $_ . ']]]'
    } 0 .. $#answers
) @]**
[@ MODES(TeX => '}', HTML => '</div></div>') @]*


Inject style into the page header to nicely show the questions on the left and the answers on the right. On narrow screens the answers will be below the questions.

In the problem text a div with the css class defined in the style snippet wraps the questions and answers. Inside that the questions are in the first inner div, and the answers in the second inner div.

When a hardcopy of the problem is generated two side by side parboxes are used instead.

Both the questions and answers are added as PGML parsed strings.

The correct answers are
[@ join(', ', map { $ALPHABET[($inversion[($_)])] } 0 .. $#q_and_a) @]*.



Show the letter indices for the correct answers as a comma separated list. Use the inversion mapping to find the correct original indices.