Essay Answer

Essay answer template

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PG problem file


    '',  '',
    '', '',

$showPartialCorrectAnswers = 0;


Use the for the essay answer and for the multiple choice drop down menu. Setting $showPartialCorrectAnswers = 0; means that students will not receive feedback on whether their answers are correct. The all-or-nothing problem grader (the standard problem grader) is used in order to withhold assigning any credit when the student submits an answer. This allows the professor to manually determine what percentage the student should get. If the standard problem grader was not used here, then the default problem grader (the average problem grader) would award 50 percent credit to students who answer the multiple choice question correct.

$popup = PopUp(
    [ 'Choose', 'True', 'False' ],    # choices
    'False'                           # corect answer

$a = random(2, 5);

$f1 = Compute("ln(x (x-$a))");
$f2 = Compute("ln(x) + ln(x-$a)");


This perl code sets up the problem.
Answer the following true / false question and then explain your answer.  Your
answers will be read and graded manually at a later time.

[_]{$popup} For all real numbers [`x`], [`[$f1] = [$f2]`].

Please explain your reasoning in the answer box below.
[@ ANS( essay_cmp() ); essay_box(8, 60) @]*



Clearly communicate to the student the expectations of the problem and how it will be graded. The essay_box(w, h) is resizable and takes inputs for initial width and height.

Note that essay_cmp() is not associated with any object (i.e., it is not $essay->cmp()).

The essay answer must be graded manually by the instructor. Hand grading is done either (1) by viewing the homework set and clicking the Grade problem link in the rightmost column of the problem list, or (2) by checking the Problem Grader checkbox in the problem and clicking Preview My Answers or Check Answers, or (3) by clicking on Statistics in Instructor Tools menu, selecting the homework set, and clicking the Manual Grader link under the problem number, or (4) by clicking the Grade Problem link after the problem number on the Set Detail page.