Riemann Sums

Integral calculus: Interpreting Riemann sums in terms of area

Complete Code

Download file: RiemannSums.pg

PG problem file



    'PGstandard.pl',     'PGML.pl',
    'weightedGrader.pl', 'parserPopUp.pl',
    'PGtikz.pl',         'PGcourse.pl'



The weightedGrader.pl macro is used because we want to give different parts of the answer different weights, the parserPopUp.pl macro is used to create drop down menus, and the PGtikz.pl macro is used to produce the graphs.

To use the weighted grader call install_weighted_grader();.

$c = random(9, 13);       # a constant for scaling the function
$f = Compute("x^2/$c");
$a = random(2, 5);        # left endpoint of interval
$b = $a + 2;              # right endpoint of interval

# Generate arrays of x and y values for the Riemann sum.
# There are n + 1 entries in each array so that we can use
# only one pair of arrays for both the left and the right
# endpoint Riemann sums.
$n  = 4;                # number of rectangles
$dx = ($b - $a) / $n;
for $k (0 .. $n) {
    $x[$k] = $a + $k * $dx;
    $y[$k] = $f->eval(x => $x[$k]);
$sumLeft  = 0;
$sumRight = 0;
for $k (0 .. $n - 1) {
    $sumLeft  += $y[$k] * $dx;
    $sumRight += $y[ $k + 1 ] * $dx;

# Graph of the Left Riemann sum rectangles
$graph1 = createTikZImage();
\Large % Make the fonts a little bigger.
    rounded corners=10pt,
    thick,use as bounding box
] (-1,-1) rectangle (9,9);
\draw[->] (-1,0) -- (9,0) node[above left,outer sep=3pt] {\(x\)};
\foreach \x in {1,...,8} \draw(\x,5pt) -- (\x,-5pt) node [below] {\(\x\)};
\draw[->] (0,-1) -- (0,9) node[below right,outer sep=3pt] {\(y\)};
\foreach \y in {1,...,8} \draw (5pt,\y) -- (-5pt,\y) node[left] {\(\y\)};
\draw[<->] plot[domain=-1:9] (\x,{\x*\x/$c});
\filldraw[draw=blue,fill=blue!50!white, fill opacity = 0.5]
    ($x[0],0) rectangle ($x[1],$y[0]);
\filldraw[draw=blue,fill=blue!50!white, fill opacity = 0.5]
    ($x[1],0) rectangle ($x[2],$y[1]);
\filldraw[draw=blue,fill=blue!50!white, fill opacity = 0.5]
    ($x[2],0) rectangle ($x[3],$y[2]);
\filldraw[draw=blue,fill=blue!50!white, fill opacity = 0.5]
    ($x[3],0) rectangle ($x[4],$y[3]);

# Graph of the right Riemann sum rectangles
$graph2 = createTikZImage();
\Large % Make the fonts a little bigger.
    rounded corners=10pt,
    thick,use as bounding box
] (-1,-1) rectangle (9,9);
\draw[->] (-1,0) -- (9,0) node[above left,outer sep=3pt] {\(x\)};
\foreach \x in {1,...,8} \draw(\x,5pt) -- (\x,-5pt) node [below] {\(\x\)};
\draw[->] (0,-1) -- (0,9) node[below right,outer sep=3pt] {\(y\)};
\foreach \y in {1,...,8} \draw (5pt,\y) -- (-5pt,\y) node[left] {\(\y\)};
\draw[<->] plot[domain=-1:9] (\x,{\x*\x/$c});
\filldraw[draw=blue,fill=blue!50!white, fill opacity = 0.5]
    ($x[0],0) rectangle ($x[1],$y[1]);
\filldraw[draw=blue,fill=blue!50!white, fill opacity = 0.5]
    ($x[1],0) rectangle ($x[2],$y[2]);
\filldraw[draw=blue,fill=blue!50!white, fill opacity = 0.5]
    ($x[2],0) rectangle ($x[3],$y[3]);
\filldraw[draw=blue,fill=blue!50!white, fill opacity = 0.5]
    ($x[3],0) rectangle ($x[4],$y[4]);

$leftEstimateDropDown = DropDown(
        'an overestimate of',
        'equal to',
        'an underestimate of',
        'there is ambiguity'

$rightEstimateDropDown = DropDown(
        'an overestimate of',
        'equal to',
        'an underestimate of',
        'there is ambiguity'


First generate a random constant for the function and the interval endpoints. Note that you should be careful to choose ranges for the parameters such that all possibilities work well in the graphs.

Then compute the left and right Riemann sums, first by storing the x and y values in arrays and summing over the arrays.

Next, generate the graphs of the function with the rectangles whose areas are summed in the Riemann sums.

Finally, construct drop down menu answers that ask the student to relate the Riemann sum estimates to the area of the region specified in the problem.

Suppose [``f(x) = \frac{x^2}{[$c]}``].

a. The rectangles in the graph below illustrate a left endpoint Riemann sum for
[`f(x)`] on the interval [`[$a] \leq x \leq [$b]`].  The value of this left
endpoint Riemann sum is [_]{Real($sumLeft)->cmp(weight => 45)}{5} and it is
[_]{ $leftEstimateDropDown->cmp(weight => 5) } the area of the region enclosed
by [`y = f(x)`], the [`x`]-axis, and the vertical lines [`x = [$a]`] and
[`x = [$b]`].

>>[@ image($graph1, height => 250, width => 250, tex_size => 450) @]*<<

>>Left endpoint Riemann sum<<

b. The rectangles in the graph below illustrate a right endpoint Riemann sum for
[`f(x)`] on the interval [`[$a] \leq x \leq [$b]`].  The value of this right
endpoint Riemann sum is [_]{ Real($sumRight)->cmp(weight => 45) }{5} and it is
[_]{ $rightEstimateDropDown->cmp(weight => 5) } the area of the region enclosed
by [`y = f(x)`], the [`x`]-axis, and the vertical lines [`x = [$a]`] and
[`x = [$b]`].

>>[@ image($graph2, height => 250, width => 250, tex_size => 450) @]*<<

>>Right endpoint Riemann sum<<


The weights for the weighted grader are assigned by passing the weight flag to the cmp method.

a. The left endpoint Riemann sum is
    f([$x[0]]) \cdot 0.5 + f([$x[1]]) \cdot 0.5 + \cdots + f([$x[ $n - 1]]) \cdot 0.5
    = ([$y[0]] + [$y[1]] + \cdots + [$y[ $n-1 ]]) \cdot 0.5 = [$sumLeft].

b. The right endpoint Riemann sum is
    f([$x[1]]) \cdot 0.5 + f([$x[2]]) \cdot 0.5 + \cdots + f([$x[ $n ]]) \cdot 0.5
    = ([$y[1]] + [$y[2]] + \cdots + [$y[ $n ]]) \cdot 0.5  = [$sumRight].



A solution should be provided here.