Creating a contour plot
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DOCUMENT(); loadMacros( '', '', '', '', '' ); $showPartialCorrectAnswers = 0;
We will use
for constructing the graph. The macro
is used to include the popup.
$graph = createTikZImage(); $graph->tikzLibraries('arrows.meta'); $graph->BEGIN_TIKZ \tikzset{>={Stealth[scale=2]}} \Large % Make the fonts a little bigger. \filldraw[ draw=LightBlue, fill=white, rounded corners=10pt, thick,use as bounding box ] (-7,-7) rectangle (7,7); \foreach \n in {0,...,7} { \pgfmathsetmacro\k{100-\n*10} \filldraw[fill=blue!\k!white,fill opacity=0.5] (0,0) circle [radius={sqrt(64-8*\n)}]; } \draw[->] (-7,0) -- (7,0) node[above left,outer sep=3pt] {\(x\)}; \foreach \x in {-6,...,-1,1,2,...,6} \draw(\x,5pt) -- (\x,-5pt) node [below] {\(\x\)}; \draw[->] (0,-7) -- (0,7) node[below right,outer sep=3pt] {\(y\)}; \foreach \y in {-6,...,-1,1,2,...,6} \draw (5pt,\y) -- (-5pt,\y) node[left] {\(\y\)}; END_TIKZ $popup = DropDownTF('false', placeholder => 'Select One');
The contour plot is created with TikZ by overlaying circles with differing shades of blue. See the POD and the TikZ manual for more information.
If the colored contour plot is not desired, replace the \filldraw
line with the following:
0,0) circle [radius={sqrt(64-8*\n)}]; \draw (
BEGIN_PGML Determine if the following statement is true or false. [_]{$popup} This could be a contour plot for [`f(x,y) = x^2 - y^2`]. >> [@ image($graph, width => 300, height => 300, tex_size => 450) @]* << END_PGML
This is the problem statement in PGML.BEGIN_PGML_SOLUTION Solution explanation goes here. END_PGML_SOLUTION ENDDOCUMENT();
A solution should be provided here.