Algebraic Fraction Answer

Algebraic fraction answer requiring simplification

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    '', '',
    '', '',


We include the macros file to be able to display the answer boxes on top of each other (as a fraction).

Context()->variables->are(y => 'Real');
Context()->{error}{msg}{"Operands of '*' can't be words"} = ' ';

do {
    $a = random(2, 8, 2);
    $b = random(3, 9, 2);
    $c = random(1, 9, 1);
} until ($a * $c != $b);

$num = Formula("$a y - $b");
$den = Formula("y - $c");

$numbogus = Formula("$a*y+$b");
$denbogus = Formula("(y-$c)*($c-y)");

$multians = MultiAnswer($num, $den)->with(
    singleResult      => 0,
    allowBlankAnswers => 1,
    checker           => sub {
        my ($correct, $student, $self) = @_;
        my ($f1stu, $f2stu) = @{$student};
        my ($f1,    $f2)    = @{$correct};

        if (($f1 == $f1stu && $f2 == $f2stu)
            || (-$f1 == $f1stu && -$f2 == $f2stu))
            return [ 1, 1 ];
        } elsif ($f1 == $f1stu || -$f1 == $f1stu) {
            return [ 1, 0 ];
        } elsif (($numbogus == $f1stu || -$numbogus == $f1stu)
            || ($denbogus == $f2stu || -$denbogus == $f2stu))
            $self->setMessage(1, "Find a common denominator first");
            $self->setMessage(2, "Find a common denominator first");
            return [ 0, 0 ];
        } elsif ($f2 == $f2stu || -$f2 == $f2stu) {
            return [ 0, 1 ];
        } elsif ($f1 * $f2stu == $f1stu * $f2) {
            $self->setMessage(1, "Simplify your answer further");
            $self->setMessage(2, "Simplify your answer further");
            return [ 0, 0 ];
        } else {
            return [ 0, 0 ];

$frac = LayoutTable(
    [ [
        "\(\displaystyle\frac{$a y}{y-$c} + \frac{$b}{$c - y}=\)",
            [ [ [ ans_rule(4), bottom => 1 ] ], [ ans_rule(4) ], ],
            padding => [ 0.5, 0 ],
    ] ],
    padding => [ 0, 0.5 ],
    valign  => 'middle',


We define MathObjects formulas $num and $den that are the correct numerator and denominator for the answer, as well as some bogus answers $numbogus and $denbogus that result from not finding a common denominator. We use MultiAnswer to manipulate both student answers at the same time. In $multians we allow for answers to be left blank, which requires one of two things: either we disable the error message or do type checking on the students input by using ref($f1) eq ref($f1stu) to see if the correct numerator $f1 and the student numerator $f1stu have the same type. We used the code Context()->{error}{msg}{"Operands of '*' can't be words"} = ' '; to disable the error message because this method allows the “Simplify your answer” feature to work more reliably. We also allow for the student to enter the fraction as either (6y-3)/(y-2) or (3-6y)/(2-y), since both are correct and it is not clear that one is preferable to the other, which requires that we check $f1 == $f1stu || -$f1 == $f1stu. Here || is perl’s “or” operator. We provide some custom answer hints by testing for bogus numerators and denominators and displaying answer messages via $self->setMessage(1, "Simplify your answer further");, where the 1 stands for the first answer blank.

The fraction answer is created using a LayoutTable from The outer LayoutTable has a single row with the mathematical expression and then another LayoutTable that formats the fraction with a bottom horizontal line. The padding is changed to improve the look of the fraction.

Perform the indicated operations. Express your answer in reduced form.




Everything is as usual. Insert the fraction and answer blanks using $showfraction.



It is necessary to use the answer evaluator ANS since ans_rule was used to produce answer blanks.

Solution explanation goes here.



A solution should be provided here.