WeBWorK::Authen::Shibboleth - Authentication plug in for Shibboleth. This is basd on

For documentation, please refer to

to use: include in localOverrides.conf or course.conf $authen{user_module} = "WeBWorK::Authen::Shibboleth"; and add /webwork2/courseName as a Shibboleth Protected Location or enable lazy session.

if $c->ce->{shiboff} is set for a course, authentication reverts to standard WeBWorK authentication.

add the following to localOverrides.conf to setup the Shibboleth

$shibboleth{login_script} = "/Shibboleth.sso/Login"; # login handler $shibboleth{logout_script} = "/Shibboleth.sso/Logout?return=".$server_root_url.$webwork_url; # return URL after logout $shibboleth{session_header} = "Shib-Session-ID"; # the header to identify if there is an existing shibboleth session $shibboleth{manage_session_timeout} = 1; # allow shib to manage session time instead of webwork $shibboleth{hash_user_id_method} = "MD5"; # possible values none, MD5. Use it when you want to hide real user_ids from showing in url. $shibboleth{hash_user_id_salt} = ""; # salt for hash function #define mapping between shib and webwork $shibboleth{mapping}{user_id} = "username";